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How do we analyze a product into the CAE software?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 6:18 pm
by milind
I want to know How do we analyze a product into the CAE software please explain?


Re: How do we analyze a product into the CAE software?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:14 pm
by Ram
Hii Milind I’m Ram let me take chance to answer your question I hope this will help, so we can divide analyze process into three stages.
First step: It is called preprocessing in this 3D modle is designed using CAD softwares. Manipulation and modification is done and the CAD data is evaluated in geometrical and material.

Second step: In second step post processing is done by CAE tool like FEA, NVH and CFD, meshing and all.

Third step: In this the result is evaluated and the system objects are optimized to get feasible design


Re: How do we analyze a product into the CAE software?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:35 pm
by milind
Thanks Ram to give answer,
Ram I want to build career in CAE department, Do you have any idea which software is commonly use for car crash analysis. so that I can get training and get placed in Automotive industry.